Evaluation of the Implementation of the Family Hope Program (PKH) in Poverty Alleviation


  • Made N D ANDAYANA Nusa Cendana University, Indonesia




Program Evaluation, Family Hope Program, Poverty



This research aims to determine the results of implementing PKH in 2023 through evaluating government policies. This research interviewed 12 informants with the criteria of sub-district secretaries, PKH assistants, and PKH recipients. 


The method used is a qualitative method with a purposive sampling technique. Primary data was collected through interviews and face-to-face observations, while secondary data came from online sources, Social Service documents, and BPS. The analysis uses the Miles & Huberman model with data reduction, coding, and triangulation to ensure the reliability and validity of the information.


The findings show that PKH in Lasiana Village has been running well and achieved its goals. The indicators include (1) effectiveness seen from participants maintaining their commitments and obligations; (2) the community receives the responsiveness of the program; (3) efficiency seen from the efficient disbursement process that is already running; (4) sufficiency has not been running well because the assistance received by the community sometimes runs out prematurely. (5) accuracy is appropriate because determining participants goes through many stages. 


This research discusses increasing access to quality health education services and improving economic conditions. The limitation of this research was that it was only carried out in one sub-district.


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