Journal Detail
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The Journal of Entrepreneurship and Business Diversity discusses the role of diversity in increasing innovation and developing healthier entrepreneurial ecosystems under the auspices of PT Keberlanjutan Strategies Indonesia. The Journal of Entrepreneurship and Business Diversity aims to relate to current research the role of diversity in increasing innovation and developing healthier entrepreneurial ecosystems. The Journal of Entrepreneurship and Business Diversity published four (4) issues per year and published in January - February; March - April; May - June; July - August; September - October; November - December. The scope of the Journal of Entrepreneurship and Business Diversity includes:
However, the research objectives of the Journal of Entrepreneurship and Business Diversity are also to accept research articles based on qualitative, quantitative paradigms and relevant research related to the entrepreneurship, innovation and business diversity.
Journal of Entrepreneurial and Business Diversity (JEBD)
Published by: PT Keberlanjutan Strategis Indonesia (Indonesia Strategic Sustainability)
Email: [cc to] (Paper Handling Issues). (Publication Issues)
Jl. Bedugul No.25, Sidakarya, Denpasar Selatan, Kota Denpasar, Bali 80224
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