Journal Detail
Guidelines for Author |
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Peer Review Process |
Publication Ethics |
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Reviewer |
Copyright and Journal License |
Abstract and Indexing |
Plagiarism Policy |
Open Access Statement |
Crossmark Policy |
Loka Journal Of Environmental Sciences is a scientific journal that publishes research results related to environmental problems and solutions that can be given to overcome these problems. published by PT Keberlanjutan Strategis Indonesia, p-ISSN 2985-6531 e-ISSN 2986-3023 This journal aims to assist in the development of environmental science and provide solutions to environmental problems faced by society. This journal also aims to provide up-to-date information on the latest developments in the field of environmental science and provide new insights on how environmental problems can be overcome. Fundamental environmental research is welcomed, alongside modelling, fieldwork, applied studies, policy work and studies at the environmental and social science interface. Studies that enhance holistic environmental understanding, for example by connecting different environmental compartments, linking to human health and wellbeing, and joining up other disciplines, are particularly welcome.
Loka: Journal Of Environmental Sciences (LJES)
Published by: PT Keberlanjutan Strategis Indonesia (Indonesia Strategic Sustainability)
Email: [cc to] (Paper Handling Issues) (Publication Issues)
Jl. Bedugul No. 25, Kelurahan Sidakarya,
Kecamatan Denpasar Selatan, Prov. Bali. 80224
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