Does Brand Awareness Mediate the Effect of Social Media Marketing on Purchase Intention?
Purchase Intention, Social Media Marketing, Brand AwarenessAbstract
This research examines the role of brand awareness in mediating the effect of social media marketing on purchase intention for MS Glow Men products. MS Glow Men is a skincare brand specifically for men and men made from natural ingredients, which is quite well known among men's skincare product users. Botanicals conducted this research in Denpasar City.
Research data was collected using an online questionnaire with a sample size of 100 respondents. The sample determination method uses a non-probability sampling method, namely purposive sampling. This research uses path analysis techniques.
The research results show that social media marketing has a positive and significant effect on purchase intention; social media marketing has a positive and significant effect on brand awareness; brand awareness has a positive and significant effect on purchase intention; and brand awareness mediates the effect of social media marketing on purchase intention.
The MS Glow Men company should increase interactive content on social media, create exciting campaigns, and focus more on introducing the advantages of its products compared to competitors.
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